Are you ready to start your journey toward feeling vital and connected to your purpose?
You get to choose your own adventure and only you can decide your destination
Ways to work together

One-on-one support
Working one on one means we take the time to understand the sum of all your parts.
The layers are peeled away illuminating your core issues and the path back to your ideal self.
To truly experience optimal wellness, we need to create your unique healing practice.
We look at your genetics, history, biochemistry, nutrition, physical fitness and lifestyle.
We uncover unconscious thoughts, emotions, desires and movement patterns that affect every aspect of your life. Together we create a roadmap that addresses each aspect of you, restoring unhealthy habits into a system that creates conscious vitality.
This will be a process of self discovery and a transformation back into wholeness.
Be prepared to experience a new level of health care that will revolutionize how you experience the rest of your life!
Book a free Discovery Call to see if we are a good fit.
Self Study Course

Transforming Stress program
A step- by- step home study guide to start your healing practice. Follow along for 30 days of transformation to make healing your habit. Each week you’ll receive a new area to focus on, with workbook entries, nutritional advice and guided visualizations. With a lifetime access you can repeat this restoration every month!
Move into Wellness
A 4 class movement and education series to enhance awareness of your mindset and reshape your body. This technique will retrain your brain, your body and your spirit for efficient, invigorating and graceful movement. It’s time to step into wellness! (Get lifetime access to notes, videos and guided visualizations that can help you live and age gracefully.)

Free Trainings

A Woman's Guide to Balancing Hormones
A simple, easy approach to vitality.

The Thyroid
If you’re feeling tired, foggy and fat, this may be the key.
Client Love
It was only after working with Dr. Liz Wallace, especially after her acupuncture treatments that I experienced a "normal" energy for the first time in years.
I have been struggling with severe fatigue for years now, managed through dietary modifications, but was never able to get above a minimal threshold of energy. I was able to finally get off the cycle of reactive hypoglycemia, insatiable hunger, and severe fatigue with just a few sessions with her. I highly recommend Dr. Liz to anyone that wants some balance in their life, brought in gently with compassion, and while relying on true internal change and not just pill-popping.
- Vaish S., Ph.D.
I have regained my confidence in my power; I have reclaimed a sense of purpose and belonging in the world, so that healing and health can reign and shine - radiating all corners of my being.
I have been Dr. Liz’s patient for several years and she is not only super knowledgeable with multiple degrees and training (naturopathic medicine, acupuncture, psychotherapy, fitness, nutrition, etc.), but she is pure sunshine. Always 100% attuned to my needs - listening and asking clarifying questions to get at the root of my health concerns, worries, and issues.
Over the years she has become like family - like a sister - her caring disposition and understanding is so attuned to who I am and who I want to be. Yet, she is a doctor of the highest degree and when no one seems to understand me, she does and she is there for me. My weekly appointments (online during the pandemic) have been my refuge in the storm and triumphs of life, helping me gather strength along my journey. I have had a confidante to brainstorm with and share my innermost feelings and thoughts with, as well as my struggles and traumas.
Dr. Liz’s holistic approach connects my mental-emotional needs with my physical and psycho-social needs. The sharing is deep; I feel heard; and Dr. Liz has a way of dancing with my myriad emotions and ailments - weaving in and out of them with me - analyzing, taking pause, suggesting steps to take currently and until our next meeting that will grow my calm and best intentions for my self - helping me to reach and strive to be my best self.
Each time before I leave Dr. Liz I feel that wholeness and love for self is mine to claim. I am so grateful for Dr. Liz’s exquisite care, direction and professionalism. Trying to wear my many hats and be my many selves (mom to two active kids, full-time high school teacher, spouse, daughter, sister, dancer, musician, athlete…) can feel overwhelming at times and can make me sometimes feel small (or not up to snuff).
In meeting weekly with Dr. Liz, I regain my confidence in my power; I reclaim a sense of purpose and belonging in the world, so that healing and health can reign and shine - radiating all corners of my being. I count myself lucky (blessed) to have found Dr. Liz, she has become part of my weekly cleansing ritual to gift myself with care, love, and healing. My mission to provide myself with radical self-care is being fulfilled by this incredible guru!
- Heidi G.
I can’t speak highly enough about working with Liz
She is kind, empathetic and effective. She intuits when to hold your hand and when to give a gentle nudge. She asks the right questions to arrest your own thinking traps and invites you to imagine a new truth. Her guidance is invaluable, her expertise is immediately evident. I look forward to our weekly calls to learn, to grow and to connect.
- Michelle B.